7/7/17 Live Stream Summary

Woah, haven’t done one of these in a while.  The July 7th, 2017 live stream delved heavily into the new raid rifts that will arrive in 4.2.  Alongside requirements, we got details on how looting has changed for raid rifts, and a quick peek at some of the rewards.

Here are the details (without timestamps).  The VOD can be found here.

  • 3 Raid rifts
  • 2k hit required
  • Showing a death themed one w/ Ahnket on stream named “Decay of Ahnket”.
  • Daily raid rift quests + weekly quest for them.
  • IRCs to get loot, no master looting, everyone can get a chance at a lesser/greater essence.
  • 2 loot rolls per raid rift. (This was clarified later via discord)
  • 3 total raid rifts per day before IRCs kick in (that’s a total of 6 loot rolls, as clarified later via chat and Discord).
  • 1 IRC per raid rift loot roll after the 3 free ones per day.
  • You only get a chance to roll on rewards if you’re part of the raid that opened the raid rift
  • Lower cost for raid rifts, The plan is to make lures cheaper than in the past.
  • Loot:
  • New currency: Captured Intel (New open world currency?)